Naming MindSEO S.O.N.A.R.

MindSEO S.O.N.A.R.’s naming was thought on the idea of giving it a name that would describe its core functions as well as transmit the notion of its objectives and goals.

Therefore, the name: Scientific Online Network Analysis & Research tool. Giving it the acronym S.O.N.A.R., which encompasses its functionality as well as its goals.

MindSEO S.O.N.A.R.’s goals are to help you navigate throughout your digital ecosystem, identifying strengths and needs, keeping an eye on your competitors, and much more.

SONAR Dashboards Laptop View
SONAR Dashboards Monitor View


Because it’s based on scientific methodologies that are tested and validated, not voodoo or sign reading predictions.


Because it focuses on online businesses and entities’ digital ecosystems.


Because it scans across the Internet of Things.


Because all the gathered analytic data is methodically analyzed to deliver you accurate and valuable reports.


Because it detects trends for data sustained planning and also gives you the ability to research and spy for valuable keywords, reputation sentiments (build awareness), industry trends and content ideas (content creation), link building and lead opportunities (reach engagement).

Learn More about the reasons why S.O.N.A.R. is the Best Value for Money SEO Solution for your online optimisation needs and challenges.

The MindSEO Company

MindSEO Head Logo About Us

Specialised in Digital Marketing Strategy and Search Marketing, MindSEO was created in 2009, in Portugal, by a team with dozens of years of experience and expertise in online marketing and search engine optimisation.

Committed to creating and adding more value to its customers, MindSEO focuses on offering optimised solutions in Digital Intelligence to achieve every goal desired by the client.

Ethics, Trust, Excellence, and Innovation, are the core values at MindSEO and its collaborators.


Find out more about MindSEO, the Digital Intelligence Consultancy Agency that delivers you this remarkable digital intelligence platform.

The Team Behind MindSEO S.O.N.A.R.

MindSEO Team

MindSEO S.O.N.A.R.’s services are supported by a multidisciplinary team of experienced and talented advisors and technicians, and by MindSEO’s powerful bots, the N.E.M.O.S. (Network Exploring Machines & Online Scanners).


Know more about them at MindSEO’s Team page in MindSEO’s website.

Leverage your ROI with the help of S.O.N.A.R. Tools and support of MindSEO's Team

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